The Three Rs of a Spiritual Life

The Three Rs of a Spiritual Life ©

In “olden times” the three Rs ~ Reading, ‘Riting and ‘Rithmetic ~ were considered the fundamentals needed to prepare for life ahead. The angels propose a new set of R’s for lives well-lived: Responsibility, Resourcefulness and Resiliency. Many of us in today’s world are not using these fundamentals, and this is adversely affecting not only our personal lives, but also our world. We must look ourselves squarely in the eye, and face up to the truth of how we’re living our lives.

Let’s consider responsibility first, and ask ourselves how often we blame others for ours problems and misfortunes. How would our lives be if we became more accountable, reliable and trustworthy in all areas of our lives? If we attune with our higher selves, as well as God and our angel guides, we will determine the right course of action in any situation, rather than the easiest. We could actually start a new trend by becoming responsible for our conduct! We can choose to see ourselves as students in the school of life, rather than victims, when difficulties arise. We must ask what we can learn from a given lesson and how can we grow through it, allowing our spirit selves the opportunity to evolve. We can speak to ourselves in an empowering, rather than a panic-producing way. We can’t control the universe and all that happens to us, but we can choose how we’ll respond. We can decide to live a balanced, useful and joyful life, and give more than we take. If we practice the Golden Rule, and become responsible for our actions, we will find a new inner peace and strength. Let’s stop blaming others for all that is wrong in our lives and in the world, and take the responsibility to do something about it! What a wonderful lesson to teach our children!

Many people are worried and a bit hysterical at all the changes happening in today’s world. We can work to make the world a better place, changing what is within our realm to change ~ including how we live our personal lives. Now is an excellent time to practice resourcefulness. Our ancestors made it through difficult times, and managed to survive and then flourish, by planning ahead whenever possible, using common sense, making do with what was at hand and knowing that all things change. They created things that are still being used by us today because they used their wits and were inventive and resourceful. During the Great Depression, people’s resourcefulness helped them to survive, and then to help others. Being resourceful means we can handle any dilemma that presents itself, and find ways to overcome the problems at hand. Connecting with our creative and ingenious selves promotes order and dignity in our lives, and prepares us for the future in sensible ways: storing basic commodities; learning good financial management; recycling whatever we can at home and work ~ sewing on a button, mending clothing, instead of replacing it; buying second hand, bartering, trading; wasting less, saving more. Many of us are prisoners to our credit card debts. We could break free of that habit by doing as people did only 30 ~ 40 years ago ~ saving for what they needed or wanted and being responsible for their debts. “Things” cannot fill the empty spaces in our inner selves ~ touching the Divine within through prayer and meditation, offering love and service to the world can. We can be resourceful for our inner selves as well, by finding healthy ways to open the doors and windows of our closed or empty places, and asking God and our angels to vanquish the darkness and all our fears with Divine Light.

Resiliency! How can we cultivate the ability to recover from or adjust to misfortune or change? By deciding today to become spiritual warriors, and using the God-given power and energy within to overcome all obstacles cast in our way. The human race has survived and thrived because we were able to be resilient. Many ancient and modern cities have been destroyed either by war or natural disasters, then rebuilt as the inhabitants created new lives for themselves. Be inspired by observing and emulating people who’ve survived life’s storms by bending and flowing with the changing winds of life, like the willow tree, and overcoming adversities with grace, vitality and durability. All things that appear in our lives as problems have solutions, can be overcome by connecting daily with the never-ending Divine Source of wisdom and strength, and adopting an attitude of tenacity. We can and shall go on with assistance from our Heavenly Helpers, learning from our mistakes and failures, becoming more elastic as we bounce back and go on with our lives, inspiring others and reminding them of their spiritual power.

A great challenge lies before the tribe of humanity as it continues to evolve. We must determine to find ways to develop the spiritual values of courage, honesty, compassion and tolerance, taking a stand to right the wrongs in the world, not only toward our fellow human beings, but other life-forms on Earth. Even the smallest offerings of help in our own communities will positively affect not only our little corner of the world, but will ripple outward like a pebble dropped into a pond. Peace Pilgrim, a highly evolved soul who literally walked her talk, said (paraphrased), “Every good thing you do, say, and think, vibrates on and on and never ceases. The evil remains only until it is overcome by the good, but the good remains forever.” Let’s sow seeds of hope and goodness for a new Garden of Eden to spring up for future generations by giving the best of ourselves to the world, and following the precepts of responsibility, resourcefulness and resiliency. We shall walk in peace with a deep heartfelt comfort, knowing we did our best. Our angels will be walking with us, encouraging us to develop a sense of awe at the wonder of all life, helping us discover new ways to tap into our wonderful human brains and spiritual power, and guiding us in bringing more of Heaven to Earth! May we be filled with lovingkindness toward Self and others, now and throughout our lives. Let us bask in the Light, grace and majesty in which God always loving envelops us, washing away fear and ignorance, and living in joy and delight. “May there be peace on Earth, may the hearts of all beings be open, may all be reborn in forgiveness, may all creation reflect the Glory of God.”

Copyright© 2010 Mariah Crawford